Featuring Jamilla Tisa, Xavièra van Es and Kian Peters.


Shocked by the insights of our own spending behavior we realized that digitalization is the biggest problem of not being able to save money. We lost our connection to our money, and only see it as something digital. A number, that is not tangible anymore.

Pascal offers multiple cards with different purposes within one bank account, to give customers more insight in their (digital) spending behavior by making it more tangible; together we innovate by taking a step back. The combined, new bankcard (Pascal) will consist out of five main categories: household, personal care, traveling, leisure and emergency. The specific cards can only be used in businesses that pertain to their designated purposes.
Every month you get the opportunity to determine your budget according to your way of living. You can regulate this within the ING app, to your own desires. The app will inform and ‘warn’ the user of the pascal, through a colored gradient that indicates the percentage of money that is left on the certain saving account.

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